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Harvard in the World

In Focus

Harvard in the World

Our global community

Harvard faculty, students, and alumni compose a global network of researchers, scholars, and artists exploring and improving health, law, religion, social science, government, education, business, news, justice, design, and the environment around the world.

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From the cross-cultural studies at Harvard’s Asia Center to the comprehensive East Asian collections of the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard enjoys a wealth of resources to help scholars explore and celebrate Asia.

An aerial view of a river running through lush land


This Graduate School of Design thesis focused on the Mekong River, the lifeblood of countless wildlife and tens of millions of people across six countries.

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Gramhal, founded by Harvard alum Vikas Birhma, provides warehousing that allows farmers in India to store their crops and wait until prices improve.

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Harun Kundi, a Harvard Medical School alum and interventional cardiologist in Turkey, researched frailty and cardiac complications in patients with COVID-19.

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Alum Zeerak Ahmed hopes to build a programming infrastructure that developers could use to produce software in Urdu, or other non-Latin languages.

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The goal of the Korea Project is to foster a deeper understanding of security challenges on the Korean Peninsula and to work to effectively address them.

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South America

The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies boasts a variety of initiatives based in South America, including the Chilean University Alliance for Women in Academia, AprendoEnCasa, and the Brazil Studies Program.


Harvard students, faculty, and alumni have the opportunity to support and explore this region through study abroad programs in Australia and New Zealand, collaboration with schools through the Leading Learning that Matters program, and lifelong learning and networking with the Harvard Club of Australia.


From the Casey Station in East Antarctica to the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, home of the South Pole Telescope, Harvard researchers are investigating everything from climate change to astrophysics on the coldest continent.


Many centers and programs across Harvard, including the Europe Research Center in Paris, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, and the Center for Hellenic Studies, provide academic resources and opportunities for students in Cambridge and Europe.


The Harvard community’s impact in Africa can be seen in the work of the Africa Research Center, Middle East and North Africa Research Center, the Harvard Malaria Initiative, and the Harvard University Center for African Studies.”

A large group of people pose together outside of a orange building


In 2021, a lab at the Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership produced the first genetic sequence of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

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Toshiko Mori, a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Design, opened a school in Senegal that creates community and redefines learning for children.

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The Growth Lab is training students and practitioners to do economic development policy work in cities and countries across the globe.

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Harvard School of Dental Medicine is working with the World Health Organization to address critical oral health challenges in Africa.

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In 2022, Harvard Law School brought together four female African heads of state to explore opportunities for the continent’s future advancement.

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North America

Harvard initiatives in North America are vast and varied, including the Weatherhead Center’s Canada program, the Project on Indigenous Governance and Development at the Harvard Kennedy School, and the David Rockefeller Center’s programs in Mexico and the Caribbean.

A map of the united states with cartoon people on it

Uniting states

“To Serve Better” was a Harvard Gazette project exploring the connections between members of the Harvard community and neighborhoods across the United States.

Explore profiles from the project