Harvard Business School Crimson Folder
Guidance and resources to assist students in distress
What is the Crimson Folder?
Harvard Business School (HBS) students often encounter challenges during school and may not recognize that they need help. As an administrator, faculty, or staff member, you are in a prime position to guide HBS students in distress to support services. The HBS Crimson Folder is designed to help you prepare to support students by learning how to recognize signs of distress, respond to a student’s needs with attentiveness and empathy, refer the student to others who may be best equipped to help, and by becoming familiar withresources.
Student Privacy, FERPA, and Confidentiality
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits communication about a student in connection with a health and safety emergency. Observations of a student’s conduct or statements made by a student are not protected by FERPA. Consideration for student privacy should always be given before information is shared. When communicating with a student, it is important to use the language “private and discreet” rather than “confidential,” as you may need to share information with those listed below.

Stay safe
Take your time
Stay calm
Use active listening
Ask direct questions
Respond tips
Identify what the student needs.
Listen to the student to determine their immediate needs. Review the options below to guide the student to the appropriate resource.
If the student’s conduct is clearly reckless, dangerous, disorderly, or threatening of immediate harm to self or others in the community, call HUPD at 617-495-1212 or 911.
Any report made to HUPD involving an HBS student will be brought to the attention of Harvard Business School/HBS, Harvard Security Office.
If the student shows signs of distress, but it is not clear how serious it is, or if you feel uneasy and concerned about the student:
- During Business Hours: Contact Harvard Business School Student & Academic Services, Support Services. Spangler Center, 2nd floor counter. 617-495-6087 to strategize and triage student support.
- After Hours: Contact CAMHS Cares at 617-495-2042 to connect the student to mental health support.
If you are not concerned for anyone’s immediate safety, but the student is having significant academic or personal issues and could use some support, review the resources listed on page 8 and offer to connect the student to the office that will best support them.
If you are unsure, refer the student to meet with the Harvard Business School Office of Student & Academic Services, Support Services. Spangler Center, 2nd floor counter. 617-495-6087.
Wellness checks
A wellness check is a consultative process that exemplifies the partnership between the Harvard Business School Student & Academic Services and faculty and staff in responding to student needs. If you have not heard from a student for some time and you or others are concerned about their safety or well-being, it may be necessary to initiate a wellness check. This process typically begins with contacting the student’s emergency contact and may involve enlisting the assistance of HUPD or local police.
Once you recognize that it has been some time since you have heard from the student, it is helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
- Is it typical that the student would not reply to emails for some time?
- When was the last time you heard from or physically saw the student?
- Does the student have a history of being out of contact?
- Are there other community members (peers, colleagues, etc.) that might be in touch with the student?
- Have others expressed concern about the student?
- What outreach have you tried already—emails, calls, leaving notes, using department means (Slack, messaging app, etc.)? Have you tried multiple means to connect?
- Are there any mental or physical health concerns that you are aware of?
- Does the student live alone or with others?
Initial outreach to the student may come from a member of the department or HBS. If a student does not respond to faculty or departmental outreach, it may be necessary to consult with Harvard Business School Student & Academic Services, Support Services for support and to initiate a wellness check.
Contact Harvard Business School/HBS, Student & Academic Services
Support Services Departmental staff, faculty, or other community members may contact Suzy Conway at sconway@hbs.edu or 617-495-6831 to request a wellness check for a student. Student & Academic Services, Support Services is available to assist a faculty or staff member to send a message that expresses the urgency and initiates the wellness check process.
Emergency Resources
- Medical or Public Safety Emergency: 911
- Harvard University Police: 617-495-1212
- Harvard University Police Longwood: 617-432-1212
- Medical Urgent Care at HU Health Services: 617-495-5711
- International SOS: 617-998-0000
- 24/7 support while abroad on University travel
- For urgent but not immediately life threatening issues: refer to your department’s internal emergency protocol.
Counseling and Mental Health Hotlines
- CAMHS Cares Line: 617-495-2042
- 24-hour access line that allows students (or those concerned about a student) to speak with a licensed counselor
- SHARE Hotline: 617-495-9100
- 24/7 confidential hotline for all Harvard community members who have been impacted by sexual assault, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination
Support for Faculty & Staff
- HUHS Behavioral Health: 617-495-2323
- Clinical care for Harvard employees
- Employee Assistance Program
- Offers free, confidential help for Harvard employees
- SHARE Hotline: 617-495-9100
Harvard Business School Resources
- Support Services
- Support Services staff
- Disability
- General disability and exam accommodations
- Title IX
- Support for sexual assault/harassment
- EDIB Office
- Diversity and Inclusion Office
- Financial Aid
- Policies, procedures, eligibility, fees
- School’s Policies
- MBA Honor Code
University Resources
- Student Wellbeing at Harvard
- Global Support Services
- Resources for Harvard students, faculty, and staff on University travel abroad
- Harvard Chaplains
- Support religious, spiritual, and moral engagement
- Harvard International Office:
- Support for international students and scholars
- Harvard Office for Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Coordinates equity and access efforts across Harvard
- Harvard University Health Services
- Multi-specialty medical practice exclusively for members of the Harvard community
- HUHS Center for Wellness and Health Promotion
- Workshops, services, and classes centered on wellbeing
- HU Ombuds Office
- Assists in managing issues affecting work or academics
- LGBTQ+ Supports
- Resources and information that serve LGBTQ+ individuals
- Office for Gender Equity
- Prevention and education initiatives; Title IX resources; LGBTQ+ supports; anonymous disclosure through ROAD, and formal complaint processes; and confidential and privileged support through SHARE counseling
Additional Community Resources
- Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Phone Number: 988
- Samaritans Suicide Prevention Hotline: 877-870-4673
- SafeLink Domestic/Dating Violence Hotline: 877-785-2020
- Boston Area Rape Crisis Center: 800-841-8371
- Boston Food Access: 617-635-3717
- MA Confidential Referral Helpline: 211
- MA Mental Health Resources: 617-580-8541
- MA Department of Mental Health: 800-221-0053